In the meantime, I have completed the research for my project ‘The Story of Geuzenhof‘ and will start presenting the project to the public.

I look forward to seeing you at one of the first presentations in the coming weeks.

West Best Talkshow, Saturday 25 May, 20:00
I will present my project during the live talk show.
Tickets via the website or at

Open Tuinen West, Saturday 8 June, 10:00-17:00
You can visit 23 gardens in Amsterdam-West. The Geuzenhof 1 garden will be open to the public for the first time (entrance Geuzenkade 57).
I will give a guided tour on the historical design and redevelopment of the garden at 12:00 o’clock.
Tickets at starting points, see website.

Onze Eigen Tuin
For the next issue of this magazine, which Mien Ruys co-founded in 1955, I am writing an article on the redevelopment of the Geuzenhof 1 garden.

Follow my project on Instagram.

The pond in the Geuzenhof 1 garden in 1938,
planting plan by Mien Ruys.

The yellow iris (Iris pseudacorus) blooms in the new pond
in the Geuzenhof 1 garden, May 2024.
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