I was absolutely thrilled that so many people attended the opening of my exhibition ‘The People of Geuzenhof‘ last week at Arcam, Centre for Architecture Amsterdam.
My exhibition is on view until April 6, 2025.
Lively discussions unfolded in the hallways and panel talk, which was essentially a plea for sharing (living spaces and gardens), collaboration (between residents, the city, and professionals), and making sacrifices (in terms of large living spaces and parking lots).
Melanie van der Horst, Alderwoman for Public Space and Green, Municipality of Amsterdam, explained how even small green spaces – such as green roofs, facade gardens, planted terraces, and balconies – are crucial for the city, and that we need more of them. She emphasized that the municipality needs all residents to help expand and maintain greenery. Despite the complex challenge of balancing housing, mobility, and nature in a city with no free space left, her positive outlook and determination were truly inspiring.
Architect Marc Reniers illustrated his vision for (social) housing with his Larik project in Amsterdam, where shared apartments and a communal garden foster resident interaction.
I explained how contemporary housing concepts can build upon historical ones, using Geuzenhof as a case study.
Moderators Juliëtte Zegers (de Architekten Cie) and Leonoor Hogerheijde (Sweco) not only guided the discussion among us but also posed insightful questions to the audience.
This discussion continues…
In the LECTURE (in Dutch) “Van historische Mien Ruys-tuinen tot jouw eigen buitenruimte” (From historic Mien Ruys gardens to your own outdoor space) on March 10 at 4:00 PM, I will delve deeper into the topic and provide information and tips on renewing monumental gardens or developing small green initiatives.
Follow the progress of my project on Instagram.