Dutch development projects
Dutch development projects Design of a set of pictograms and an infographic on the Dutch development projects in Afghanistan in 2006/07. Client: Vrij Nederland, Amsterdam (NL)
Dutch development projects Design of a set of pictograms and an infographic on the Dutch development projects in Afghanistan in 2006/07. Client: Vrij Nederland, Amsterdam (NL)
Hudson’s journey Design of different maps visualizing Henry Hudson’s voyage in 1609.Hudson sailed out of the port of Amsterdam with the VOC ship ‘De Halve Maen’ with the intention to find a faster route to the East Indies. But instead, he …
Pension report Visual concept of a personalized pension report for Aegon, a life insurance, pensions and asset management company. The financial data of the client is entered by the Aegon pension advisor and can be immediately translated into an information visualization. …
Pension system Concept and design of infographics on the Dutch pension system for the Annual Report 2009 (EN/NL) of the APG Group. Financial services provider APG Group provides services such as executive consultancy, asset management, pension administration, pension communication and …
Clean Tech Rankings Design of interactive infographics for the IEEE Spectrum Magazine in 2009. The infographics show the world’s cleanest companies according to their green patents and give an indication of how dedicated a company is to clean technologies over …
Universal Encyclopaedia Visual concept for the Meyers Universal Encyclopedia based on the question: How can a contemporary encyclopaedia sends the reader on a journey of discovery throughout the book? Client: Bibliographisches Institut & F.A. Brockhaus (D), 2005